Photo of Yuzhe Lim with the team at Keysight Technologies

Hi, my name is Louis and I'm a software engineer with 1+ years of experience in the data and software engineering industry. I solve business problems with machine learning and deep learning application.

  • Programming and scripting languages: Python, R, Java, PHP, JavaScript, C, C++, VBA, Assembly Languages (CISC/ RISC), HTML & CSS
  • Database: SQL(MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite), Firebase, AWS S3
  • Source control management (SCM): Git, GitHub, Bitbucket
  • Tools: AWS (GLUE, SageMaker, Lambda), Spyder, Jupyter notebook, Visual Studio, Vim, PyCharm, Eclipse, Net Beans, IntelliJ IDEA, RStudio, CLion, MATLAB, UI Design(Qt), Embedded Systems (Arduino, Tinker Board), Tableau, Power BI, PyTorch
  • OS: Linux (Ubuntu, Raspbian, Debian, Ubuntu MATE, Arch Linux, Linux Mint), Windows