Yemen/Myammar Refugee Education Project

It took me awhile every single time before I departed to the tuition centre, I questioned myself for waking up early on a day without morning class. I immediately found my reason when I’m standing in front of a group of young, innocent, poor children. The happiness and grateful expression shown on their faces when they got to learn new things in a decent environment. All these while we have been taking education for granted, as if getting educated is easy as breathing air. I believe that life is not about how many people you have met, but how many lives you have touched and changed. When the children shook my hand, and told me that they are glad to have me as their tutor, it was the moment I knew that my effort and patience had not gone to waste. The hardship we spent to make some of the slow learners to understand the lesson allow us to learn the commitment and responsibility as a teacher as well as a senior. I understand well that this insignificant power of ours a part time tutor might not bring a major difference, but I still hope that this little act of ours could contribute in changing their future. By helping the refugee children, I’m also helping myself in growing as a person and finding the new meaning of life.